Today I am embarking on my very first blog journey. And I am not even sitting in a coffee house. In fact, I am not even drinking coffee. My husband has been telling me for several years that I should have a blog, but I am pretty sure that this is not what he meant. Blogging as a way to create a professional portfolio that documents my participation in TOOL, or Teaching Online Open Learning, is also not what I thought my first blog would be about. Nevertheless, here I am. With bells on. But only because Christmas is 86 days away.
As with any online course, all the tasks seem daunting and overwhelming at first but much like I've experienced before, once you get to the down and dirty of doing the actual work, the process is enjoyable and easy. The initial set up of this blog today took mere seconds, once I realized I had to create it from my personal Google account because the GAVS Google account would not allow me to do so.
I fear making the time to do this will be a challenge. I also fear that the perfectionist in me will want to edit and edit and re-edit but I do not have the luxury of time on my side. My goal is to do a thorough job without driving myself crazy. I intend to be professional but lighthearted and, since this is a diary, I may not even make myself adhere to all the grammar and writing rules I usually practice.
I know I am an effective online teacher but I also know that I love learning and need learning in order to improve. Ultimately, that is why I am here and why this will be interesting and invigorating.
Reading the information in Wikipedia about "Blog" was helpful and somewhat scary, as at the end of the entry I was warned of stalkers and trolls, which makes this seem more like I am participating in a Law and Order episode rather than an educational verification of my skills as an online teacher. Since I seriously doubt those types are into reading what this blog will eventually be about, I think I am fairly safe. I will, however, be sure not to defame anyone but myself here and stick to the 7 tenants of Tim O'Reilly's Blogger's Code of Conduct.
So... off I go!
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