Being an
exemplary digital citizen is, in all actuality, an extension of being an exemplary
citizen in general. After reading all of the articles and websites at the links
provided in our course, it is clear that to function in the digital world
requires the same skill set needed in the tangible world. A digital learning
community is an extension of the community at large. Being innovative, engaged and ethical
are what I consider to be the three cornerstone characteristics of an exemplary
citizen in any community.
One who is innovative models behaviors that engender
creativity, problem solving, collaboration, and analytical thinking. This
person is authentic in that she shares freely, works together freely, and inspires
freely. Others in the community look to that person because those behaviors
foster a sense of stimulation that encourages others to emulate the very same
One who is engaged is present in, is knowledgeable
about, and is always critically thinking and provoking others to think
critically in and about the community environment. She exhausts all resources
and is constantly seeking to learn more.
One who is ethical is honest and openly respects
copyright laws and intellectual property, adopts a reflective attitude about
personal responsibilities online, and protects herself from the various dangers
that can exist from releasing personal information.
conclusion, these character traits are worthy of emulating because they are
marks of an intelligent approach to the use of technology and to participation
in life in general. By embracing these characteristics, a citizen contributes
positively to the digital and traditional community in which we all live,
making it a more interesting, lively, safer place to exist.
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