"Communicate 2.1.1 – Identify Stakeholders" Quest
Do the descriptions correlate to your perception?
In general, I believe that the descriptions of the stakeholders in the TOOL course are what I experience daily at GAVS. I most definitely assume that students will speak up via email when they have problems and that the facilitator will be there to remind the student of his/her responsibilities and to follow up with that student when their average slips. Ideally, I would like for parents to be as active as the description details but I think that sometime parents are as inexperienced as the students and so extra support from the instructor and facilitator are necessary to make up for this deficit.
How can they be expanded upon or described further?
I think each organization has its own expectations that they bring to the depth of involvement for each stakeholder's role. For example, instructors may be required to make specific contacts with parents, such as a policy requiring instructors to notify parents each month if a student is failing the course or notifying administration if a parent does not respond to an instructors' multiple attempts to reach them. Additionally, instructors may have policies specific for their courses. For example, attendance at synchronous sessions is a form of communication. While the virtual school may not require student attendance at synchronous sessions, an instructor might require that students attend or watch a video recording of a session in order to complete a graded assignment.
Are there other stakeholders within an online environment not considered in this quest?
I wonder if the LMS would be considered a stakeholder? Would it be useful for the LMS to have contact in the form of a user survey to determine what elements of the LMS the students and parents feel are cumbersome or in need of revision? I would definitely like to see something like that for instructors using the LMS. Many times there are procedures or features that teacher would like to see changed to improve instructional procedures.
Do the descriptions correlate to your perception?
In general, I believe that the descriptions of the stakeholders in the TOOL course are what I experience daily at GAVS. I most definitely assume that students will speak up via email when they have problems and that the facilitator will be there to remind the student of his/her responsibilities and to follow up with that student when their average slips. Ideally, I would like for parents to be as active as the description details but I think that sometime parents are as inexperienced as the students and so extra support from the instructor and facilitator are necessary to make up for this deficit.
How can they be expanded upon or described further?
I think each organization has its own expectations that they bring to the depth of involvement for each stakeholder's role. For example, instructors may be required to make specific contacts with parents, such as a policy requiring instructors to notify parents each month if a student is failing the course or notifying administration if a parent does not respond to an instructors' multiple attempts to reach them. Additionally, instructors may have policies specific for their courses. For example, attendance at synchronous sessions is a form of communication. While the virtual school may not require student attendance at synchronous sessions, an instructor might require that students attend or watch a video recording of a session in order to complete a graded assignment.
Are there other stakeholders within an online environment not considered in this quest?
I wonder if the LMS would be considered a stakeholder? Would it be useful for the LMS to have contact in the form of a user survey to determine what elements of the LMS the students and parents feel are cumbersome or in need of revision? I would definitely like to see something like that for instructors using the LMS. Many times there are procedures or features that teacher would like to see changed to improve instructional procedures.
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