"Communicate 3.2.2 – Differentiation" Quest
Differentiation is something that I try to reflect on and offer at least monthly. Sometimes, differentiation takes the form of an alternate assignment used to replace a grade for a similar assignment on which students did not master the content. Sometimes, differentiation takes the form of an alternate way to complete an assignment in terms of product. Sometimes, when students struggle with a concept, differentiation takes the form of a re-presentation of the content. Regardless of the method of differentiation, the goal is always the same: to allow students the opportunity to learn and master a concept.
Here is a Voicethread opportunity that I posted for my students in the News. It was an additional opportunity to demonstrate mastery for more points on a specific type of assignment. The students were asked to watch a video on a current event in France (Immigration) and to react to the information presented there in a Voicethread. The Voicethread is a cloud-based application where students can collaborate via audio recordings or written word.
Differentiation is something that I try to reflect on and offer at least monthly. Sometimes, differentiation takes the form of an alternate assignment used to replace a grade for a similar assignment on which students did not master the content. Sometimes, differentiation takes the form of an alternate way to complete an assignment in terms of product. Sometimes, when students struggle with a concept, differentiation takes the form of a re-presentation of the content. Regardless of the method of differentiation, the goal is always the same: to allow students the opportunity to learn and master a concept.
Here is a Voicethread opportunity that I posted for my students in the News. It was an additional opportunity to demonstrate mastery for more points on a specific type of assignment. The students were asked to watch a video on a current event in France (Immigration) and to react to the information presented there in a Voicethread. The Voicethread is a cloud-based application where students can collaborate via audio recordings or written word.
Lien: http://voicethread.com/share/7115216/
Cette opportunité expire le 14 octobre. Ne remettez pas au lendemain.
Cliquez ces liens pour regarder les vidéos:
Marine Le Pen Interview
Marine Le Pen Discours
Here is a News Item that I posted for students who sometimes have trouble using Audacity to record their oral submissions. Vocaroo is an alternate method for recording. I provided links for how to use this tool and also provided a link to the site in User Links in the course.
Vocaroo Training Video
Vocaroo Website
When student have problems with a concept, I find a video to re-teach that concept and post it in the News. Here is an example of such a post.
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